Thursday was a “go out for lunch” day for both Paulette and myself – only not together! Paulette went for lunch in Duncan with her Sorority friends, while I went to Victoria to have lunch with the “old retired guys” group I meet up with once a month – when we’re home, at least.
The wooden stairway to the beach at Botany Bay, B.C.
I’ll leave it to Paulette to talk about their lunch on her blog if she wants, but us “old guys” went to Boston Pizza just for a change of pace. Since it was a pizza joint, I thought I’d better try one and ended up ordering the individual sized “House Special” – not bad at all! It sure made dinner easy – just a bowl of soup!
Paulette and I both arrived home within minutes of each other and just in time to take Molly and Rylie over to the dog park for their runabout. It wasn’t a very nice day at all, a lot of drizzling rain for most of it, so there weren’t many dogs there yesterday. We stayed for about 20 minutes and left before we were totally soaked.
If you bring it, it will ring - even way out in the boonies of Botany Bay on the coast!
I was reading Wandering Willy’s blog yesterday morning and noticed he was having a problem with fonts using Windows Live Writer. Basically, Willy wanted to be able to set a default font:
“NOTE…I'm still frustrated by the fact that every time I insert a picture,I have to reset the font size.Sometimes not,but most of the time.I like using the larger print.”
As it was raining and pretty miserable out yesterday morning, it was a perfect time for me to do a little computer sleuthing. I used my test blog site to quickly duplicate Willy’s situation. Yes, as he said, when I used a larger font in Live Writer and then inserted an image, the font would revert back to normal size right after. What’s that all about?
Thursday’s drive took us right through the heart of one of the Island’s main logging areasIt’s not the first time I’d seen Willy’s question, so I figured an answer to it just might help a few other Live Writer bloggers as well. In Live Writer, you’ll remember that when you first setup your account, you were asked to download the “theme” from your existing Blogger template. That “theme” included settings like fonts and colors used as defaults for text, headings, links etc.
So, it made sense to me that the way to set a default font for Live Writer was to first make the change in the controlling template – Blogger! That’s what I did, by clicking on “Customize, Layout, Fonts & Colors” then changing the “Text Font Size” to the larger size I wanted – just by selecting “Text Font” and clicking “Larger”.
To change a default font for Live Writer, make a “Layout” change in BloggerAfter doing that, I returned to Live Writer and refreshed the theme by clicking on “Blogs, Edit Blog Settings and Update Configuration Settings”. I then created a new post using the new defaults, inserted an image, and found that when I resumed typing after the image, the larger fonts were still the default. Perfect!
So, if you happen to have a similar problem with Live Writer just remember – the fonts, settings and colors etc. are all coming from the default theme in Blogger. To change any of those defaults, the change must be made to the Blogger template and then it must be updated in Live Writer.
Have a great Friday and thanks for visiting!
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