Looking For A Few Good Douglas Firs

This coming Wednesday night, Paulette will be hosting her Women’s Sorority Group meeting at our house.  For each meeting, one member is responsible for coming up with a program.  As usual, late November is Paulette’s turn so that she can help them all make a special Christmas craft.  This year, her plan is to have everyone make there very own Christmas Wreath.

Here’s Paulette busy with her garden clippers!IMG_3281

As you might expect, to make Christmas Wreaths, 20 of them to be exact, you need to have a whole bunch of boughs and branches – in fact, a whole utility trailer full!  So, that was our goal Sunday morning – to go out into the wilderness and collect enough boughs to make 20 Christmas Wreaths.

The logging road ran right by the Koksilah RiverIMG_3283

Paulette told me that these boughs had to Douglas Fir – not cedar, balsam or pine.  So, I hitched up the utility trailer, piled Molly and Rylie in the van and headed out towards West Shawnigan Lake Road.  After driving for about 25 minutes, the paved road ended and we found ourselves on a not too bad gravel, logging road.

Luckily, we had a beautiful day for getting out in the woodsIMG_3286

We were definitely in the boonies now and found lots of Douglas Firs just perfect for gathering the boughs needed.  Paulette got busy with the clippers while I busied myself picking up the boughs she cut and carting them back to the trailer.  We managed to fill it up within half an hour. 

Like all the local rivers right now, the Koksilah is going strongIMG_3291

The logging road we were on ran right along the banks of the Koksilah River.  With all the rain we’ve had lately, the river was full and flowing extremely fast.  This river flows right down to the ocean in Cowichan Bay.

The Koksilah flows right down to the ocean in Cowichan BayIMG_3293

We drove up the road a bit and found a small bridge that crossed over the river.  It must have been a private logging entrance as there was a huge padlocked gate blocking vehicle access.  That didn’t stop a few dirt bikers we saw though.  They managed to squeeze their bikes through a small opening and then they were off into the woods for a nice afternoon ride!

Dirt bikers roaring off onto some old backwoods logging roadsIMG_3294

We walked around the area for a while, enjoying the scenery and the sun!  Yes, the sun!  We haven’t had too much of that this month, so it was a welcome sight and it felt great.  We headed back home arriving just in time to watch the start of the afternoon NFL games. 

A great dinner – Clam Chowder and Paulette’s “Cloud Biscuits”P1030869

For dinner, Paulette made one of my favorites, baking powder biscuits to go with the great Clam Chowder she made the other day.  The Chowder was even better the second time around!

Have a great Monday, and thanks again for visiting.


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